Pilot Sim Programme

Clear and engaging feedback on clinical simulations from our aviation experts.
NHS Trusts That We Work With
Wingfactors pilot sim NHS logos
Wingfactors at HSJ awards
pilot observing siminside an ambulance

A systems approach to training during live clinical simulations.

The Pilot Sim Programme is an opportunistic collaboration between healthcare and aviation formed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Regular discussions on simulation training in the NHS highlighted an exciting opportunity for shared learning.

Our pilots in uniform observe clinical simulations and produce simple, clear Human Factors feedback supported by aviation examples.
Human Factors experts from the Aviation Industry.
Over 130 sims performed across 3 NHS Trusts.
Flexible Delivery to ensure maximum training benefit.
The WingFactors brand, its staff, and training material has no affiliation to a specific airline.

Our strength comes from our experience and diversity across the industry.
"I was nervous at first but loved having the pilots there and can't wait for more sim!"

"I sincerely hope the pilot presence continues and they continue to provide their excellent input"
"Really useful feedback particularly in their write-up - concise and practical tips. Thanks very much!"

"This was a fantastic experience and I will take it with me into my career!"

Benefits of our Pilot Sim

We believe that a practical, interprofessional approach to human factors training provides a fresh and innovative perspective when it comes to safety.

Relevant Feedback

Our teams deliver bespoke, clear and relevant Human Factors feedback with use of aviation parallels to provide memorable learning

Participant Centred

We highlight the values of real teams in their real working environments practicing emergencies in a safe space.

We Keep It Simple

Our experienced airline pilots provide non-technical feedback from our carefully developed competency matrix to support standardisation.
NHS Trusts
Pilot Sims Completed
Different Specialties

Recent Publications.

CPD certified
Identifying and Mitigating Latent Safety Threats using in-situ simulation.
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GAMC 2021 - Navigating Difficult Airways, a Pilot's Perspective.
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ASPiH - A Multi-specialty simulation programme with human factors debriefing by pilots.
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Supporting NHS Patient Safety Syllabus
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Wingfactors HSJ Award Certificate
wingfactors pilot sim programme

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Our Achievements

How we have helped to improve patient safety and engagement over the last two years.
GAMC 2020
Airway Team of the Year
Best Education Programme for the NHS 
Highly Commended
COVID Response Awards
Best COVID Response in Healthcare (15m)
Governance and Quality Conference
Pilot Sim Presentation
Spring Acute Medicine 2021
Pilot Sim - High Distinction
RPsych International Congress 2021
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
BMJ Abstract
Royal College of Anaesthetists
Patient safety and Perioperative Care 2021 - Best Oral Presentation

Interested in Having Pilot Sims at Your Hospital?

Contact Us Today
Competency based Human Factors training with standardised reporting for wider teams reflection.
Over 130 sims in multiple NHS trusts. Our work has been recognised by HSJ and the BMJ.
WingFactors respect the challenges of educational delivery and we adapt to your needs.

How WingFactors Began

During the COVID-19 pandemic a group of furloughed airline professionals founded the pilot sim and patient engagement programmes.

Our unique courses provide a range of training methods and techniques designed to help NHS staff make better patient safety decisions.
Dr Anna Goose
ED Consultant
"The feedback from doctors and nurses in the department who have been exposed to WingFactors training has been unanimously positive and have really made people consider the way in which we do things.

Many of us are actually now wondering why such important aspects of training are not routine in medicine."
Dr Robert Lloyd
EM Trainee ST6
"There is little doubt this project has had a hugely positive impact on our hospital. It has galvanised the training landscape and fostered a more collaborative spirit between our specialties."

What Clinicians say about WingFactors

Dr Andrew Levison
Anaesthetics Consultant
"The highly professional, structured approach by the team of pilots at WF’s who are unquestionably experts in HF’s has provided a very new and enlightening approach to running these simulations.

The targeted, non-judgemental, anonymised written feedback and take home messages allow the participants to learn and remember some very important non-technical skills."

Latest News

Our latest insights and updates from within the aviation and healthcare industries.
excel 2022 excellence in people awards

WingFactors Shortlisted For a University of Bradford Award

WingFactors Patient Engagement Team has been shortlisted for the ‘University of Bradford award for cross-sector working’. The awards ceremony is on the 1st December 2022. Find out more about the organisations shortlisted for awards here.
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Please get in touch if you have any questions about any of our services.
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WingFactors Ltd (12699140) Flat 12 The Roof Gardens 41-53, Goswell Road, London, England, EC1V 7EH
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